Big Picture Skiing Coaching Team
Big Picture Skiing Coaching Team

Big Picture Skiing Coaching Team

Demelza Clay Testimonials

"Demelza, you have a gift. Your attention to detail is amazing (you don’t get level 4 for nothing) but it’s your curiosity and willingness to dive deeper with each one of us that has you stand out from others.”

"I really enjoyed your teaching. Because you also have a background in kinesiology/physical therapy, your explanation in everything is well articulated and it makes sense a lot to me. Thanks for teaching us the forward moving ideas and techniques that connect skiing to other physical activities that I know of without the ski boots!! I love it. I love how my feet feel in the ski boots now and how they are working, and that's how it should be!! 

"Hi Demelza, I myself can’t even believe what magic you’ve spelled on me until I saw the videos you recorded and photos a photographer took for me today - they can’t stand a close look but I’m skiing more like a “pro” 😂. The training, specifically those instructions from you has amazingly changed my skiing which makes me outstanding in the group here”

"Goddess - thank you so much for an amazing couple of days – it was amazing to ski, slide and face plant with you all as witness to my growth under the tutelage of the incomparable Demelza Clay”

Demelza I cannot say enough how thankful I am for your skill and ability to communicate and translate everything. Skiing related all the very contagious smile! You effin rock!

“Demelza - just want to add that not only do I very much appreciate how you teach, but you are one of the funniest… and yay is icing on the cake. You are truly a spectacular coach and I can’t wait to be on the team again!”

Jason Simpson Testimonials

“Jason is an amazingly adept coach. A critical thinker and observer who is always figuring out what’s “off” and how to improve it. His video analysis was so helpful, that I started looking at everyone else’s feedback for my own learning. Plus he’s fun and an all-around great guy”

“Your diagnostic and therapeutic ability is amazing, you should have been a “ski doctor”.

“I live at a world class mountain and every day before I hit the slopes, I try to rewatch Jason’s feedback video because of how simple and fundamental it is to my performance.  If you ever get a chance to spend a day with Jason – don’t miss it!”